I've been gravitating towards solids lately. Mostly black. With bright red lips.
Perhaps it's due to the weather. Perhaps it's due to my mood.

Each morning, I get frustrated with the process of dressing up. Mostly because my current closet is the size of a postage stamp. Or more accurately, the size of an original 1950s closet. How did those people manage to look so fantastic with such a small closet? Perhaps the answer is in terms of well-chosen, quality pieces over quality. Much like the French?
Regardless, I'm tempted daily to toss out my whole entire wardrobe and start afresh.
Coat - G2000 (Hong Kong brand, purchased in KL, on sale)
Shirt, pants - Gap (50% off, Black Friday sale 2010)
Belt - H&M
Shoes - Ann Taylor Perfect Patent Pump (40% off sale -- these are occuring very frequently these past few weeks, although they are out of my size for the pairs that I've been wanting. Better for my wallet, I suppose)
P/S: Using a fixed lens is a pain in the patootie. I oftentimes have no more space to back off, nor am I able to go higher, away from what I'm trying to capture, without resorting to pulling out a ladder. And I don't do ladders.
I can't believe my eyes when I read that bought your clothes from G2000, Gap and Ann Taylor. They look so expensive! I've heard great things about Ann Taylor perfect pumps. Are they comfy?
They actually aren't too bad -- the toe box is slightly narrow for me in the beginning (cause I have wide-ish feet) but it stretches out. It's comfy enough for a full day of work. But not to last into the night if i had somewhere else to go.
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