Thursday, April 21, 2011



It's been a challenging week.
Sometimes I feel like I'm a teacher, trying to get her rowdy class of whiny 5 year-olds to sit still, listen and do their homework. Except in reality, I'm dealing with adults.

Banana Republic

It's nice to be able to kick off my shoes at the end of the day and just enjoy the fact that there's still daylight when I leave work at the end of the day.

Yves Saint Laurent Oversized Muse in Chocolate (2007)

I've brought my Muse out into circulation after a friend showed off her newly acquired one. My poor bag is somewhat stripped of its identity - I was fiddling with the lock one night while waiting for my ex-husband to try on some pants at the mall. I didn't notice that it was sans lock until I got home.

Lets hope the NY store will get a replacement lock for me soon.
 And I hope that you had a better work week than I did.


Garden Guy said...

Dear BF,

I feel your stress and have been there, ending up with two wonderful young adults that are my pride and joy. That which does not tear us down only makes us stronger. Your efforts will be rewarded! Happy Easter.

Mana said...

I love your photos on your blog! They look classy, sophisticated and fashionable! Keep up the great work!

bagfashionista said...

Garden Guy - thanks for the words of encouragement. There will be light at the end of the tunnel!

suki pooki - thanks so much! it's fun trying to think of different ways of doing things - although it's difficult to find the time to do it!!